List of Conference Proceedings
- 'Electron Beam Melting of Titanium and Quality Evaluation by Secondary
Ion Mass Spectrometry',
K. Ono, T. H. Okabe, N. Maeda, and Y. Ueda:
Proceedings of the Conference on Electron Beam Melting and Refining, Reno, Nov.
(1989) pp.123-133.
- 'Preparation of Extra Low Oxygen Titanium by the Calcium-Halide Flux Deoxidation Process',
T. H. Okabe, R. O. Suzuki, T. Oishi, and K. Ono:
Proceedings of the International Conference on Titanium Products and Applications
(Titanium Development Association), Florida, 1-5 Oct. (1990) pp.822-829.
- 'Electrochemical Deoxidation of Titanium',
M. Nakamura, T. H. Okabe, T. Oishi, and K. Ono:
Molten Salt Chemistry and Technology 1993 edited by M. L. Saboungi and H.
Kojima (Proceedings of the International Symposium on May Hawaii, The
Electrochemical Society Inc.) (1993) pp.529-540.
- 'Deoxidation of TiAl Intermetallic Compounds',
T. H. Okabe, K. Fujiwara, T. Oishi, and K.Ono:
Titanium Science and Technology edited by F. H. Froes and I. Caplan, The
Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (Proceedings of the 7 th World
Conference on Titanium, San Diego June 28 - July 2, 1992) (1993) pp.1211-1218.
*** ‘æ7‰ñ¢ŠEƒ`ƒ^ƒ“‰ï‹c(TMSŽåÃ)Šw¶ƒ|ƒXƒ^[Ü (1992) ***
- 'Preparation and Characterization of Extra-Low-Oxygen-Titanium',
T. H. Okabe, M. Nakamura, T. Ueki, T. Oishi, and K. Ono:
Titanium Science and Technology edited by F. H. Froes and I. Caplan, The
Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (Proceedings of the 7th World
Conference on Titanium, San Diego June 28 - July 2, 1992) (1993) pp.2273-2280.
- 'Reaction Pathways during Metallothermic Reduction of TiCl4 by Utilizing Chemical Potential Diagrams',
T. H. Okabe, T. Uda, E. Kasai, and Y. Waseda:
Proceedings of Titanium Extraction and Processing, ed. By B. Mishra and G. J.
Kipouros, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, U.S.A (1997)
- 'Mechanism of Magnesiothermic Reduction of TiCl4 by an Electronically Mediated Reaction (EMR)',
T. H. Okabe, T. Uda, E. Kasai, and Y. Waseda:
Proceedings of Titanium Extraction and Processing, ed. By B. Mishra and G. J.
Kipouros, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, U.S.A (1997)
- 'Materials Synthesis by Metallothermic Reduction',
T. H. Okabe, H. Zhu, and D. R. Sadoway:
The International Terje Ostvold Symopium, Proceedings of the International
Symposium in honour of Professor, Dr. teche. Terje Ostvold, Roros - Norway,
November 2-3, Editors: H.A. Oye and O. Waernes (1998) pp.77-88.
- 'Titanium Powder Production by Reactive Molten Salt as a Reductant',
T. Uda, T. H. Okabe, and Y. Waseda:
2nd Intl. Conf. on Processing Materials for Properties (PMP) [San Francisco,
Nov. 2000] (2000) pp.31-36.
- 'Recovery of Molybdenum and Rhenium from Sulfide Concentrate by Electro-Oxidation
and Precipitation',
T. Darjaa, T. H. Okabe, and Y. Umetsu:
2nd Intl. Conf. on Processing Materials for Properties (PMP) [San Francisco,
Nov. 2000] (2000) pp.751-756.
- 'Direct Oxygen Removal and Anticontamination Treatment of Titanium',
T. H. Okabe and Y. Umetsu:‚P
Proc. the 9th World Conf. on Titanium [Saint Petersburg, 7-11 June, 1999]
(2000) pp.1417-1424.
- 'Titanium Production by Magnesiothermic Reduction of TiCl4 Through an Electronically Mediated Reaction (EMR)',
T. Uda, T. H. Okabe, and Y. Waseda:
Proc. the 9th World Conf. on Titanium [Saint Petersburg, 7-11 June, 1999]
(2000) pp.1515-1522.
- 'Reduction of Titanium Oxide in Molten Salt Medium',
T. Abiko, I. Park, and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of 10th World Conference on Titanium, Ti-2003, [Hamburg,
2003.7.13-18] (2003) pp.253-260.
*** ‘æ10‰ñ¢ŠEƒ`ƒ^ƒ“‰ï‹cŠw¶ƒ|ƒXƒ^[Ü (2003) ***
- ''Titanium Powder Production by Preform Reduction Process',
T. H. Okabe, T. Oda, and Y. Mitsuda:
Proceedings of 10th World Conference on Titanium, Ti-2003, [Hamburg,
2003.7.13-18] (2003) pp.261-268.
- 'Scrap Combination for Recycling Valuable Metals: Direct Extraction and
Recovery of Neodymium Metal from Magnet Scraps',
T. H. Okabe, O. Takeda, K. Fukuda, and Y. Umetsu:
Proceedings of Yazawa International Symposium, [San Diego, 2003.3.2-6] (2003)
- 'Some Challenges on Nitride Metallurgy: Synthesis of Complex Nitrides,
Phase Equilibria and Chemical Potential Measurements', [Invited paper]
T. H. Okabe, O. Ishiyama, H. Yamane, K. T. Jacob, and Y. Waseda:
Proceedings of Yazawa International Symposium, [San Diego, 2003.3.2-6] (2003)
*** Invited presentation ***
- 'Development of a Recycling Process for Tantalum from Capacitor Scraps
K. Mineta and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of International IUPAC Conference on High Temperature Materials Chemistry
-XI, [Tokyo, 2003.5.19-23] (2003) p.150.
(J. Physics and Chemistry of Solids, vol. 66, no. 2-4 , Feb.-Apr. (2005)
- 'Production of Titanium Powder Directly from TiO2 in CaCl2 by Electronically Mediated Reaction (EMR) ',
I. Park, T. Abiko, and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of International IUPAC Conference on High Temperature Materials
Chemistry -XI, [Tokyo, 2003.5.19-23] (2003) p.66.
Physics and Chemistry of Solids, vol. 66, no. 2-4 , Feb.-Apr., (2005)
- 'Metal Vapor Treatment for Platinum Group Metals from Spent Automotive
Y. Kayanuma, T. H. Okabe, Y. Mitsuda, M. Miyake, and M. Maeda:
Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Waste Processing and
Recycling in Mineral and Metallurgical Industries [COM 2004], [Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada, 2004.8.22-25] (2004) pp.169-180.
- 'New Platinum Extraction Process Using Metal Vapor Treatment',
Y. Kayanuma, T. H. Okabe, Y. Mitsuda, and M. Maeda:
Proceedings of the Global Symposium on Recycling, Waste Treatment and Clean
Technology [REWAS 2004], [IFEMA, Feria de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2004.9.26-29]
(2004) vol.2, pp.1841-1848.
- 'Recycling Titanium and Other Reactive Metal Scraps by Utilizing Chloride
T. H. Okabe, R. Matsuoka, and O. Takeda:
Proceedings of the Global Symposium on Recycling, Waste Treatment and Clean
Technology [REWAS 2004], [IFEMA, Feria de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2004.9.26-29]
(2004) vol.1, pp.893-902.
- 'Recovery of Neodymium from a Mixture of Magnet Scrap and Other Scrap',
O. Takeda, T. H. Okabe, and Y. Umetsu:
Proceedings of the International Conference on Rare Earths [Rare Earths '04],
[Nara, Japan, 2004.11.7-12].
(Reviewed and published in the following Journal: 'Recovery of Neodymium from a
Mixture of Magnet Scrap and Other Scrap', O. Takeda, T. H. Okabe, and Y.
Umetsu: J. Alloy. Compd., vols.408-412 (2006) pp.387-390.)
- 'Production of Titanium Powder Through an Electronically Mediated Reaction',
T. H. Okabe, T. Kakihira, and T. Abiko:
Proceedings of the Symposium on Electrochemical Measurements and Processing of
Materials at the 2004 TMS Annual Meeting, [Charlotte, NC, 2004.3.14-18].
*** Invited presentation ***
- 'Recycling Process for Tantalum and Some Other Reactive Metal Scraps',
R. Matsuoka, K. Mineta, and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of the Symposium on Solid and Aqueous Waste from Non-ferrous Metal
Industries at the 2004 TMS Annual Meeting, [Charlotte, NC, 2004.3.14-18].
- 'A New High Speed Titanium Production by Subhalide Reduction Process',
O. Takeda and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of the 2005 TMS Annual Meeting, [San Francisco, California, 2005.2.13-17] pp.1139-1144.
- 'Iron Removal from Titanium Ore Using Selective Chlorination and Effective
Utilization of Chloride Wastes',
R. Matsuoka and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of the Symposium on Metallurgical Technology for Waste Minimization
at the 2005 TMS Annual Meeting, [San Francisco, California, 2005.2.13-17].
- 'Niobium Powder Production in Molten Salt by Electrochemical Pulverization',
B. Yuan and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of the First Asian and Ninth China-Japan Bilateral Conference on
Molten Salt Chemistry and Technology (FANCJ Conference), [Wuhu, Anhui, China,
2005.5.23-29] pp.129-132.
- 'Evaluation of Ti-Cr-Cu Alloys for Dental Applications',
M. Koike, M. Itoh, O. Okuno, O. Takeda, T. H. Okabe, and T. Okabe:
Proceedings of the 2005 TMS Annual Meeting, [San Francisco, California,
- 'Recycling Titanium Metal Scraps by Utilizing Chloride Wastes',
H. Zheng, R. Matsuoka, and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of the European Metallurgical Conference 2005 (EMC2005), [Dresden,
Germany, 2005.9.18-21], vol.4, (2005) pp.1509-1518.
- 'New Extraction Process of Precious Metals from Scrap by Chemical Vapor
C. Ohkawa and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of the European Metallurgical Conference 2005 (EMC2005), [Dresden,
Germany, 2005.9.18-21], vol.1, (2005) pp.293-306.
- 'Production of Scandium and Al-Sc Alloy by Metallothermic Reduction' [Invited
M. Harata, T. Nakamura, H. Yakushiji, and T. H. Okabe:
Sohn International Symposium on Advanced Processing of Metals and Materials:
Principles, Technologies and Industrial Practice, [San Diego, U.S.A] (2006.8.27-31)
[Abstract, pp.155-162]. *** Invited presentation ***
- 'Selective Chlorination of Titanium Ore and Production of Titanium Powder
by Preform Reduction Process' [Poster Presentation],
H. Zheng and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of the 16th Iketani Conference: Masuko Symposium, [Tokyo, Japan,
Nov. 12-16, 2006] (2006.11) pp.1005-1010.
- 'Fundamental Study on Magnesiothermiec Reduction of Titanium Subchlorides',
O. Takeda and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of the 16th Iketani Conference: Masuko Symposium, [Tokyo, Japan,
Nov. 12-16, 2006] (2006.11) pp.715-720.
- 'A Novel Recycling Process of Titanium Metal Scraps by Using Chloride Wastes'
[Invited Lecture],
H. Zheng and T. H. Okabe:
Innovations in Titanium Technology, ed. by M. N. Gungor, M. A. Imam, F. H.
Fores, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, U.S.A. (Prooceedings of
the 136th TMS Annual Meeting [Orlando, U.S.A., Feb.25-Mar.1, 2007]), [Orlando,
Florida, Feb. 25-Mar. 1, 2007] (2007) pp.147-154.
- 'Synthesis and Enrichment of Titanium Subchlorides in Molten Salts',
O. Takeda and T. H. Okabe:
Innovations in Titanium Technology, ed. by M. N. Gungor, M. A. Imam, F. H.
Fores, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, U.S.A. (Prooceedings of
the 136th TMS Annual Meeting [Orlando, U.S.A., Feb.25-Mar.1, 2007]), [Orlando,
Florida, Feb. 25-Mar. 1, 2007] (2007) pp.69-78.
- 'Fundamental Study on Titanium Production Process by Disproportionation
Reactions of Titanium Subchlorides' [Poster Presentation],
T. Oi and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Titanium, [Kyoto, Japan, Jun. 3-7,
2007] (2007.12), Vol.1, pp.111-114.
- 'Titanium Production Process by Utilizing Titanium Subchlorides' [Poster
O. Takeda and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Titanium, [Kyoto, Japan, Jun. 3-7,
2007] (2007.12), Vol.1, pp.115-118.
- 'Production of Titanium Powder Directly from Titanium Ore' [Poster Presentation],
H. Zheng and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Titanium, [Kyoto, Japan, Jun.
3-7, 2007] (2007.12), Vol.1, pp.119-122.
- ''Recent Topics on Titanium and Silicon Production Technologies' [Invited
T. H. Okabe, K.Yasuda, and T. Oi:
Proceeding of 2008 Joint Symposium on Molten Salts, [Nichi-i Gakkan Kobe
Port-Island Center, Kobe] (2008.10.19-23) [Proceedings, pp.270-275].
- 'Production of Vanadium Metal and V-Ti Alloys from Oxide Preforms',
A. Miyauchi and T. H. Okabe:
Processing Materials for Properties, Edited by: Dr. B. Mishra, Dr. A. Fuwa, and
Dr. P. Bhandhubanyong, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, All rights
reserved, ISBN 978-0-87339-727-8 (2009), pp.639-644.
- 'Selective Extraction of Nd and Dy from Rare Earth Magnet Scraps into Molten
S. Shirayama and T. H. Okabe:
Processing Materials for Properties, Edited by: Dr. B. Mishra, Dr. A. Fuwa, and
Dr. P. Bhandhubanyong, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, All rights
reserved, ISBN 978-0-87339-727-8 (2009), pp. 469-474.
- 'Titanium Production Process by Disproportionation of Titanium Dichloride
in MgCl2 Molten Salt',
T. Oi and T. H. Okabe:
Processing Materials for Properties, Edited by: Dr. B. Mishra, Dr. A. Fuwa, and
Dr. P. Bhandhubanyong, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, All rights
reserved, ISBN 978-0-87339-727-8 (2009), pp. 421-426.
- 'Recent Topics on Titanium Production Processes',
T. H. Okabe and, T. Oi:
Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials-XVIII (Proceeidngs of
Eighteenth International Symposium on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced
Materials), [Sendai, Japan, Dec. 12-14, 2009] (2009.12), Vol. 2, pp.711-720
- 'Ru Solubility and Dissolution Behavior in Molten Silicate',
H. Shuto, T. H. Okabe and K. Morita:
Proc. The Seetharaman Seminar, Material Processing towards Properties, KTH,
(2010), pp.132-139mSigatuna, June 14 2010n
- 'On the Titanium Reduction Processes',
T. H. Okabe:
Proceeding of the Second International Round Table on Titanium Production
in Molten Salts, Edited by Prof. Geir Martin Haarberg, Norwegian University
of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim (Monday 20, September - Wednesday
22, September, Tromso /Trondheim Norway, 2010.9.20-22).
- 'Dissolution Behavior of Rhodium into Molten Slag',
C. Wiraseranee, T. H. Okabe, and K. Morita:
2nd International Symposium on High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing,
ed. by J. Hwang, J. Drelich, J. Downey, T. Jiang, and M. Cooksey, The Minerals,
Metals & Materials Society, USA. (Proceedings of the 140th TMS Annual
Meeting & Exhibition, [San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA,
USA, Feb.27-Mar.3, 2011]) pp.143-150.
- 'Dissolution Behavior of Platinum Group Metals into Molten Slags',
K. Morita, C. Wiraseranee, H. Shuto, S. Nakamura, T. H. Okabe and N. Sano: (Key
The Fray International Symposium on Metals and Materials Processing in
a Clean Environment, ed. by F. Kongoli (Proceedings of the Fray International
Symposium), [Cancun, Mexico, Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2011] Flogen Star Outreach,
(2012), Vol. 1, pp.305-318.
- 'Effect of Slag Composition on the Solubility of Rh in Molten Silicate
Slags ',
C. Wiraseranee, T. Yoshikawa, T. H. Okabe, and K. Morita: (Key Note):
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and
Salts (MOLTEN12), Beijing, China, W099, pp.1-10, May 2012
- 'Upgrade of Titanium Ore by Selective Chlorination Using Calcium Chloride
J. Kang and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of 4th Asian Conference on Molten Salt Chemistry and Technology,
and 44th Symposium on Molten Salt Chemistry, [Matsushima, Japan, Sep. 23-27,2012],
- 'Upgrade of autocatalyst scrap for recycling platinum group metals ',
Y. Taninouchi, A. Suzue, and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of Bill Davenport Honorary Symposium of COM 2014, [Vancouver,
Canada, Sep. 27 ? Oct. 1, 2014], No. 8455. ISBN: 978-1-926872-24-7.
- 'Study on recovery process for ruthenium from scraps by hydrometallurgical
methods ',
K. Nose, S. A. Sunkar, Y. Nakamura, and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of Bill Davenport Honorary Symposium of COM 2014, [Vancouver,
Canada, Sep. 27 ? Oct. 1, 2014], No. 8507, ISBN: 978-1-926872-24-7.
- 'Titanium recycling process based on a chlorination reaction utilizing
chloride waste',
Y. Taninouchi, Y. Hamanaka, and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of Ti-2015: The 13th World Conference on Titanium,
[San Diego, USA, August 16-20, 2015].
- 'Novel Titanium Ore Upgrading Process Free from Waste Discharge',
J. Kang and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of Ti-2015: The 13th World Conference on Titanium,
[San Diego, USA, August 16-20, 2015].
- 'Recycling Titanium and Its Alloys by Utilizing Molten Salt',
T. H. Okabe and Yu-ki Taninouchi:
Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts (MOLTEN16),
[Seattle, USA, May 22 - 25, 2015] pp.751-760.
- 'Vapor Treatment for Alloying and Magnetizing Platinum Group Metals',
Yu-ki Taninouchi and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of the TMS 2017 146th Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2017),
[San Diego, USA, Feb 28 - Mar 2, 2017] pp.119-127.
- 'Recycling of Critical Metals',
T. H. Okabe and T. Ouchi:
Proceedings of the TMS 2019 148th Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2019),
[San Antonio, USA, Mar 10 - Mar 14, 2019] pp.237-243.
- 'Electrochemical Deoxidation of Titanium in Molten MgCl2-HoCl3',
L. Kong, T. Ouchi, and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of The 14th World Conference on Titanium (Ti-2019),
[La Cite Nantes Congress Centre Nantes, France, June 10-14, 2019]
- 'Development of Method for Direct Deoxidation of Titanium using Mixtures of Magnesium Chloride and Rare-Earth Chlorides',
T. Ouchi, C. Zheng, L. Kong, and T. H. Okabe:
Proceedings of The 14th World Conference on Titanium (Ti-2019),
[La Cite Nantes Congress Centre Nantes, France, June 10-14, 2019]
Takanari Ouchi, Toru H. Okabe:
- 'Deoxidation of Titanium Using Cerium Metal and Its Oxyhalide Formation',
Gen Kamimura, Takanari Ouchi, and Toru H. Okabe:
Proceeedings of REWAS 2022: Developing Tomorrowfs Techinical Cycles (Volume I),
TMS 2022 Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2022),
[CA, USA, February 27 - March 3, 2022], pp.83-89.
- 'Development of Molten Salt Electrolysis of MgO Using a Metal Cathode and Vacuum Distillation to Produce Ultra-high Purity Mg Metal',
Jungshin Kang, Tae-Hyuk Lee, Hyeong-Jun Jeoung, Dong-Hee Lee, Young Min Kim, Kyung-Woo Yi, Toru H. Okabe, and Jin-Young Lee:
Proceeedings of Rare Metal Technology 2022,
TMS 2022 Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2022),
[CA, USA, February 27 - March 3, 2022], pp.309-316.
- 'Fundamental Study of a Novel Electrolytic Process using a Cu Cathode in MgF2-LiF-KCl Molten Salt for Producing Mg Metal from MgO',
Hyeong-Jun Jeoung, Tae-Hyuk Lee, Kyung-Woo Yi, Jin-Young Lee, Young Min Kim, Toru H. Okabe, and Jungshin Kang:
Proceeedings of Rare Metal Technology 2022,
TMS 2022 Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2022),
[CA, USA, February 27 - March 3, 2022], pp.333-340.